Monroe, NC DWI Lawyers
Customized Defense You Can Count On
Being charged with driving while impaired can seem like a hopeless situation. The consequences of a DWI conviction are far reaching. You need an experienced attorney to evaluate your case and begin preparing for trial from day one.
At Charles B. Brooks II, Attorney at Law, we guide our clients through the lengthy and complicated process of being charged with a DWI. From DMV hearings to substance abuse assessments to preparing for trial, we will be with you every step of the way. If you have been charged with a DWI it is important to retain an attorney as soon as possible. We stand ready to stand with you.
Take immediate action today by calling our experienced criminal defense lawyers at (704) 271-2141.
Impairment in North Carolina
In North Carolina, you can be charged for DWI if you have a blood alcohol concentration of .08 or more, or if you are appreciably impaired. The State may attempt to prove appreciable impairment if your mental or physical faculties are alleged to have been impaired by alcohol or a controlled substance. If you are under age 21 at the time of the offense, you can be charged with Driving After Consuming if you have any amount of alcohol in your system.
Potential Consequences of DWI
A conviction for DWI can impact every part of your life. North Carolina has 6 levels of DWI punishment, ranging from Aggravated Level One to Level Five. The level of punishment is based upon the court weighing grossly aggravating, aggravating, and mitigating factors. An experienced DWI attorney in our office can suggest ways to mitigate any potential punishment. Depending upon the level of punishment, the judge may sentence someone convicted of DWI to as little as 24 hours in jail, up to 36 months in prison.
The range of punishment for the various levels of DWI include:
- Aggravated Level 1: 12 to 36 months in jail and a fine up to $10,000
- Level 1: 30 days to 24 months in jail and a fine of up to $4,000
- Level 2: 7 days to 12 months in jail and a fine of up to $2,000
- Level 3: 72 hours to six months of jail time and a fine of up to $1,000
- Level 4: 48 hours to 120 days of jail time and a fine of up to $500
- Level 5: 24 hours to 60 days of jail time and a fine of up to $200
If you have been charged with DWI you should retain an experience attorney in our office immediately. We will begin by immediately requesting the dash and body worn camera video footage from the law enforcement officer who charged you. Our attorneys work to identify any challenges that can be made to the stop of your vehicle, challenges to the field sobriety tests and your arrest, and whether the proper procedure was followed for any test of your breath or blood.
DWI and Your Driver’s License
A conviction for DWI will result in the revocation of your driver’s license for at least one year. In some circumstances, our attorneys can secure a limited driving privilege, if you are eligible, so that you can drive to and from work during the period of revocation. If you willfully refused the officer’s request that you submit to a blood or breath test, DMV will move to revoke your driver’s license for a separate one year period. Our attorneys are experienced advocating for clients at DMV hearings, and have successfully persuaded DMV to not revoke a client’s driver’s license.
Call (704) 271-2141 now to schedule a free consultation with an experienced criminal defense attorney.

Recent Case Results
Not Guilty 2 Counts of Larceny
Not Guilty Assault Inflicting Serious Injury
Case Dismissed Assault on a Female
Charges Dismissed Client Charged With 4 Felonies
Case Dismissed DWI
Case Dismissed Felony Assault With a Deadly Weapon

Awards & Associations
Charles B. Brooks II has been practicing law in Monroe since 1985, giving us the longevity and experience that comes from handling a broad range of legal issues. We are members of local and national organizations so that we may stay abreast of the latest legal issues and trial techniques.
Get legal help from a team of trial attorneys who have successfully helped thousands clients for more than 30 years.